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To Share or Not to Share

Decide if a social media post is worth sharing! Imagine these are posts on your social media feed. Carefully consider the words, images and source. Decide whether or not to share them with your followers. 

Three Tips for Wisely Sharing Online Information:

1. Look at who is behind the information.
Is the source of the original post trustworthy?

2. Ask what evidence supports the  post’s claim.
How do you know it’s true?

3. Consult other sources.
This is called reading laterally and it allows you to check claims by checking what other sources say about the claim.

Read each post, then drag the slider to reveal the answer.

KANYE PROPOSES MARRIAGE to Taylor Swift at the Grammy Awards! Hint: Have you heard about this from any trusted sources?
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Famous Actor caught shoplifting! He's in jail now! Hint: Does the post provide any proof of his arrest?
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24/7 Emergency Hotline Call this number to report rashes from eating vending machine candy! It only costs $7.99 a call! 1-800-eat-cndy Hint: Why would an emergency number cost $7.99?
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Secure the ballot box "Most ballot boxes are not even locked." - former President George Bush Hint: How do you know he said this?
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The Daily April 2022 Issue 020 Teenage Pregnancy is Skyrocketing! You won't believe how your city is responding! The world population is now at 7.9 billion and increasing. China and India both have more than 1.4 billion people. Hint: Does the story explain how your city is responding?
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Kendall Jenner. #BlackLivesMatter Posted 3:17 PM Jun 6, 2020 Hint: Look at the shadows.
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WHAT THE #&%*?! % of curse words in lyrics DaBaby - 4.50% (2912 total curse words) Megan Thee Stallion - 4.37% (2377 total curse words) Juice WRLD - 3.33% (1761 total curse words) Which Top Music Artists Curse the Most? | AT&T Savings AT&T Savings learned which artists cursed the most and which artists avoided cursing in their songs from the past year. AT&T Savings Resource Center / Alex Rivera / Jul 12, 2021 Hint: A link to the source of the rankings is included.
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The REALLY REALLY REALLY HEAVY BACKPACK NEWS SITE Middle schools are FINALLY allowing shopping carts in the hallways! No more overloaded backpacks. These carts fit all your books, sports equipment, lunch, dinner, snacks and your dog! Hint: Seriously??
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Make your voice heard! Because of all the virtual learning, some school districts are thinking about getting rid of snow days completely. Snow days are a great Michigan tradition. Write your state representative today and protect snow days! Click here for a sample letter: Hint: The link for the sample letter is authentic.
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If you’re a 125-pound person, in 30 minutes you burn this many calories: Frisbee 85 Tai Chi 125 Skateboarding 150 Dancing fast 180 Jumping rope 226 Find out more calorie counts for activities at: Hint: Does this information harm anyone?
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